
pythonが標準で持っているライブラリでは、バグを含んでいるために掲題のことはできません。少なくとも、2.4, 2.5くらいまではできていませんでした。

そこで urrlib2 opener for SSL proxy を参考に、mechanize内にある、通信方式に対応した実装を提供する_http.pyにパッチを当ててみました。

"""HTTP related handlers.

Note that some other HTTP handlers live in more specific modules:,, etc.

Copyright 2002-2006 John J Lee <>

This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it

under the terms of the BSD or ZPL 2.1 licenses (see the file

COPYING.txt included with the distribution).


import copy, time, tempfile, htmlentitydefs, re, logging, socket, \

       urllib2, urllib, httplib, sgmllib

from urllib2 import URLError, HTTPError, BaseHandler

from cStringIO import StringIO

from _request import Request

from _util import isstringlike

from _response import closeable_response, response_seek_wrapper

from _html import unescape, unescape_charref

from _headersutil import is_html

from _clientcookie import CookieJar, request_host

import _rfc3986

debug = logging.getLogger("mechanize").debug

# monkeypatch urllib2.HTTPError to show URL

## def urllib2_str(self):

##     return 'HTTP Error %s: %s (%s)' % (

##         self.code, self.msg, self.geturl())

## urllib2.HTTPError.__str__ = urllib2_str

CHUNK = 1024  # size of chunks fed to HTML HEAD parser, in bytes


# This adds "refresh" to the list of redirectables and provides a redirection

# algorithm that doesn't go into a loop in the presence of cookies

# (Python 2.4 has this new algorithm, 2.3 doesn't).

class HTTPRedirectHandler(BaseHandler):

    # maximum number of redirections to any single URL

    # this is needed because of the state that cookies introduce

    max_repeats = 4

    # maximum total number of redirections (regardless of URL) before

    # assuming we're in a loop

    max_redirections = 10

    # Implementation notes:

    # To avoid the server sending us into an infinite loop, the request

    # object needs to track what URLs we have already seen.  Do this by

    # adding a handler-specific attribute to the Request object.  The value

    # of the dict is used to count the number of times the same URL has

    # been visited.  This is needed because visiting the same URL twice

    # does not necessarily imply a loop, thanks to state introduced by

    # cookies.

    # Always unhandled redirection codes:

    # 300 Multiple Choices: should not handle this here.

    # 304 Not Modified: no need to handle here: only of interest to caches

    #     that do conditional GETs

    # 305 Use Proxy: probably not worth dealing with here

    # 306 Unused: what was this for in the previous versions of protocol??

    def redirect_request(self, newurl, req, fp, code, msg, headers):

        """Return a Request or None in response to a redirect.

        This is called by the http_error_30x methods when a redirection

        response is received.  If a redirection should take place, return a

        new Request to allow http_error_30x to perform the redirect;

        otherwise, return None to indicate that an HTTPError should be



        if code in (301, 302, 303, "refresh") or \

               (code == 307 and not req.has_data()):

            # Strictly (according to RFC 2616), 301 or 302 in response to

            # a POST MUST NOT cause a redirection without confirmation

            # from the user (of urllib2, in this case).  In practice,

            # essentially all clients do redirect in this case, so we do

            # the same.

            # XXX really refresh redirections should be visiting; tricky to

            #  fix, so this will wait until post-stable release

            new = Request(newurl,






            new._origin_req = getattr(req, "_origin_req", req)

            return new


            raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, headers, fp)

    def http_error_302(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):

        # Some servers (incorrectly) return multiple Location headers

        # (so probably same goes for URI).  Use first header.

        if headers.has_key('location'):

            newurl = headers.getheaders('location')[0]

        elif headers.has_key('uri'):

            newurl = headers.getheaders('uri')[0]



        newurl = _rfc3986.clean_url(newurl, "latin-1")

        newurl = _rfc3986.urljoin(req.get_full_url(), newurl)

        # XXX Probably want to forget about the state of the current

        # request, although that might interact poorly with other

        # handlers that also use handler-specific request attributes

        new = self.redirect_request(newurl, req, fp, code, msg, headers)

        if new is None:


        # loop detection

        # .redirect_dict has a key url if url was previously visited.

        if hasattr(req, 'redirect_dict'):

            visited = new.redirect_dict = req.redirect_dict

            if (visited.get(newurl, 0) >= self.max_repeats or

                len(visited) >= self.max_redirections):

                raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code,

                                self.inf_msg + msg, headers, fp)


            visited = new.redirect_dict = req.redirect_dict = {}

        visited[newurl] = visited.get(newurl, 0) + 1

        # Don't close the fp until we are sure that we won't use it

        # with HTTPError.  



    http_error_301 = http_error_303 = http_error_307 = http_error_302

    http_error_refresh = http_error_302

    inf_msg = "The HTTP server returned a redirect error that would " \

              "lead to an infinite loop.\n" \

              "The last 30x error message was:\n"

# XXX would self.reset() work, instead of raising this exception?

class EndOfHeadError(Exception): pass

class AbstractHeadParser:

    # only these elements are allowed in or before HEAD of document

    head_elems = ("html", "head",

                  "title", "base",

                  "script", "style", "meta", "link", "object")

    _entitydefs = htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint

    _encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING

    def __init__(self):

        self.http_equiv = []

    def start_meta(self, attrs):

        http_equiv = content = None

        for key, value in attrs:

            if key == "http-equiv":

                http_equiv = self.unescape_attr_if_required(value)

            elif key == "content":

                content = self.unescape_attr_if_required(value)

        if http_equiv is not None and content is not None:

            self.http_equiv.append((http_equiv, content))

    def end_head(self):

        raise EndOfHeadError()

    def handle_entityref(self, name):

        #debug("%s", name)


            '&%s;' % name, self._entitydefs, self._encoding))

    def handle_charref(self, name):

        #debug("%s", name)

        self.handle_data(unescape_charref(name, self._encoding))

    def unescape_attr(self, name):

        #debug("%s", name)

        return unescape(name, self._entitydefs, self._encoding)

    def unescape_attrs(self, attrs):

        #debug("%s", attrs)

        escaped_attrs = {}

        for key, val in attrs.items():

            escaped_attrs[key] = self.unescape_attr(val)

        return escaped_attrs

    def unknown_entityref(self, ref):

        self.handle_data("&%s;" % ref)

    def unknown_charref(self, ref):

        self.handle_data("&#%s;" % ref)


    import HTMLParser

except ImportError:



    class XHTMLCompatibleHeadParser(AbstractHeadParser,


        def __init__(self):



        def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):

            if tag not in self.head_elems:

                raise EndOfHeadError()


                method = getattr(self, 'start_' + tag)

            except AttributeError:


                    method = getattr(self, 'do_' + tag)

                except AttributeError:

                    pass # unknown tag





        def handle_endtag(self, tag):

            if tag not in self.head_elems:

                raise EndOfHeadError()


                method = getattr(self, 'end_' + tag)

            except AttributeError:

                pass # unknown tag



        def unescape(self, name):

            # Use the entitydefs passed into constructor, not

            # HTMLParser.HTMLParser's entitydefs.

            return self.unescape_attr(name)

        def unescape_attr_if_required(self, name):

            return name  # HTMLParser.HTMLParser already did it

class HeadParser(AbstractHeadParser, sgmllib.SGMLParser):

    def _not_called(self):

        assert False

    def __init__(self):



    def handle_starttag(self, tag, method, attrs):

        if tag not in self.head_elems:

            raise EndOfHeadError()

        if tag == "meta":


    def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):

        self.handle_starttag(tag, self._not_called, attrs)

    def handle_endtag(self, tag, method):

        if tag in self.head_elems:



            raise EndOfHeadError()

    def unescape_attr_if_required(self, name):

        return self.unescape_attr(name)

def parse_head(fileobj, parser):

    """Return a list of key, value pairs."""

    while 1:

        data =



        except EndOfHeadError:


        if len(data) != CHUNK:

            # this should only happen if there is no HTML body, or if

            # CHUNK is big


    return parser.http_equiv

class HTTPEquivProcessor(BaseHandler):

    """Append META HTTP-EQUIV headers to regular HTTP headers."""

    handler_order = 300  # before handlers that look at HTTP headers

    def __init__(self, head_parser_class=HeadParser,



        self.head_parser_class = head_parser_class

        self._allow_xhtml = i_want_broken_xhtml_support

    def http_response(self, request, response):

        if not hasattr(response, "seek"):

            response = response_seek_wrapper(response)

        http_message =

        url = response.geturl()

        ct_hdrs = http_message.getheaders("content-type")

        if is_html(ct_hdrs, url, self._allow_xhtml):



                    html_headers = parse_head(response, self.head_parser_class())



            except (HTMLParser.HTMLParseError,




                for hdr, val in html_headers:

                    # add a header

                    http_message.dict[hdr.lower()] = val

                    text = hdr + ": " + val

                    for line in text.split("\n"):

                        http_message.headers.append(line + "\n")

        return response

    https_response = http_response

class HTTPCookieProcessor(BaseHandler):

    """Handle HTTP cookies.

    Public attributes:

    cookiejar: CookieJar instance


    def __init__(self, cookiejar=None):

        if cookiejar is None:

            cookiejar = CookieJar()

        self.cookiejar = cookiejar

    def http_request(self, request):


        return request

    def http_response(self, request, response):

        self.cookiejar.extract_cookies(response, request)

        return response

    https_request = http_request

    https_response = http_response


    import robotparser

except ImportError:



    class MechanizeRobotFileParser(robotparser.RobotFileParser):

        def __init__(self, url='', opener=None):

            import _opener

            robotparser.RobotFileParser.__init__(self, url)

            self._opener = opener

        def set_opener(self, opener=None):

            if opener is None:

                opener = _opener.OpenerDirector()

            self._opener = opener

        def read(self):

            """Reads the robots.txt URL and feeds it to the parser."""

            if self._opener is None:


            req = Request(self.url, unverifiable=True, visit=False)


                f =

            except HTTPError, f:


            except (IOError, socket.error, OSError), exc:

                robotparser._debug("ignoring error opening %r: %s" %

                                   (self.url, exc))


            lines = []

            line = f.readline()

            while line:


                line = f.readline()

            status = f.code

            if status == 401 or status == 403:

                self.disallow_all = True

                robotparser._debug("disallow all")

            elif status >= 400:

                self.allow_all = True

                robotparser._debug("allow all")

            elif status == 200 and lines:

                robotparser._debug("parse lines")


    class RobotExclusionError(urllib2.HTTPError):

        def __init__(self, request, *args):

            apply(urllib2.HTTPError.__init__, (self,)+args)

            self.request = request

    class HTTPRobotRulesProcessor(BaseHandler):

        # before redirections, after everything else

        handler_order = 800


            from httplib import HTTPMessage


            from mimetools import Message

            http_response_class = Message


            http_response_class = HTTPMessage

        def __init__(self, rfp_class=MechanizeRobotFileParser):

            self.rfp_class = rfp_class

            self.rfp = None

            self._host = None

        def http_request(self, request):

            scheme = request.get_type()

            if scheme not in ["http", "https"]:

                # robots exclusion only applies to HTTP

                return request

            if request.get_selector() == "/robots.txt":

                # /robots.txt is always OK to fetch

                return request

            host = request.get_host()

            # robots.txt requests don't need to be allowed by robots.txt :-)

            origin_req = getattr(request, "_origin_req", None)

            if (origin_req is not None and

                origin_req.get_selector() == "/robots.txt" and

                origin_req.get_host() == host


                return request

            if host != self._host:

                self.rfp = self.rfp_class()



                except AttributeError:

                    debug("%r instance does not support set_opener" %




                self._host = host

            ua = request.get_header("User-agent", "")

            if self.rfp.can_fetch(ua, request.get_full_url()):

                return request


                # XXX This should really have raised URLError.  Too late now...

                msg = "request disallowed by robots.txt"

                raise RobotExclusionError(



                    403, msg,

                    self.http_response_class(StringIO()), StringIO(msg))

        https_request = http_request

class HTTPRefererProcessor(BaseHandler):

    """Add Referer header to requests.

    This only makes sense if you use each RefererProcessor for a single

    chain of requests only (so, for example, if you use a single

    HTTPRefererProcessor to fetch a series of URLs extracted from a single

    page, this will break).

    There's a proper implementation of this in mechanize.Browser.


    def __init__(self):

        self.referer = None

    def http_request(self, request):

        if ((self.referer is not None) and

            not request.has_header("Referer")):

            request.add_unredirected_header("Referer", self.referer)

        return request

    def http_response(self, request, response):

        self.referer = response.geturl()

        return response

    https_request = http_request

    https_response = http_response

def clean_refresh_url(url):

    # e.g. Firefox 1.5 does (something like) this

    if ((url.startswith('"') and url.endswith('"')) or

        (url.startswith("'") and url.endswith("'"))):

        url = url[1:-1]

    return _rfc3986.clean_url(url, "latin-1")  # XXX encoding

def parse_refresh_header(refresh):


    >>> parse_refresh_header("1; url=")

    (1.0, '')

    >>> parse_refresh_header("1; url=''")

    (1.0, '')

    >>> parse_refresh_header("1")

    (1.0, None)

    >>> parse_refresh_header("blah")

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    ValueError: invalid literal for float(): blah


    ii = refresh.find(";")

    if ii != -1:

        pause, newurl_spec = float(refresh[:ii]), refresh[ii+1:]

        jj = newurl_spec.find("=")

        key = None

        if jj != -1:

            key, newurl = newurl_spec[:jj], newurl_spec[jj+1:]

            newurl = clean_refresh_url(newurl)

        if key is None or key.strip().lower() != "url":

            raise ValueError()


        pause, newurl = float(refresh), None

    return pause, newurl

class HTTPRefreshProcessor(BaseHandler):

    """Perform HTTP Refresh redirections.

    Note that if a non-200 HTTP code has occurred (for example, a 30x

    redirect), this processor will do nothing.

    By default, only zero-time Refresh headers are redirected.  Use the

    max_time attribute / constructor argument to allow Refresh with longer

    pauses.  Use the honor_time attribute / constructor argument to control

    whether the requested pause is honoured (with a time.sleep()) or

    skipped in favour of immediate redirection.

    Public attributes:

    max_time: see above

    honor_time: see above


    handler_order = 1000

    def __init__(self, max_time=0, honor_time=True):

        self.max_time = max_time

        self.honor_time = honor_time

    def http_response(self, request, response):

        code, msg, hdrs = response.code, response.msg,

        if code == 200 and hdrs.has_key("refresh"):

            refresh = hdrs.getheaders("refresh")[0]


                pause, newurl = parse_refresh_header(refresh)

            except ValueError:

                debug("bad Refresh header: %r" % refresh)

                return response

            if newurl is None:

                newurl = response.geturl()

            if (self.max_time is None) or (pause <= self.max_time):

                if pause > 1E-3 and self.honor_time:


                hdrs["location"] = newurl

                # hardcoded http is NOT a bug

                response = self.parent.error(

                    "http", request, response,

                    "refresh", msg, hdrs)

        return response

    https_response = http_response

class HTTPErrorProcessor(BaseHandler):

    """Process HTTP error responses.

    The purpose of this handler is to to allow other response processors a

    look-in by removing the call to parent.error() from


    For non-200 error codes, this just passes the job on to the

    Handler.<proto>_error_<code> methods, via the OpenerDirector.error

    method.  Eventually, urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler will raise an

    HTTPError if no other handler handles the error.


    handler_order = 1000  # after all other processors

    def http_response(self, request, response):

        code, msg, hdrs = response.code, response.msg,

        if code != 200:

            # hardcoded http is NOT a bug

            response = self.parent.error(

                "http", request, response, code, msg, hdrs)

        return response

    https_response = http_response

class HTTPDefaultErrorHandler(BaseHandler):

    def http_error_default(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs):

        # why these error methods took the code, msg, headers args in the first

        # place rather than a response object, I don't know, but to avoid

        # multiple wrapping, we're discarding them

        if isinstance(fp, urllib2.HTTPError):

            response = fp


            response = urllib2.HTTPError(

                req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)

        assert code == response.code

        assert msg == response.msg

        assert hdrs == response.hdrs

        raise response

class AbstractHTTPHandler(BaseHandler):

    def __init__(self, debuglevel=0):

        self._debuglevel = debuglevel

    def set_http_debuglevel(self, level):

        self._debuglevel = level

    def do_request_(self, request):

        host = request.get_host()

        if not host:

            raise URLError('no host given')

        if request.has_data():  # POST

            data = request.get_data()

            if not request.has_header('Content-type'):




        scheme, sel = urllib.splittype(request.get_selector())

        sel_host, sel_path = urllib.splithost(sel)

        if not request.has_header('Host'):

            request.add_unredirected_header('Host', sel_host or host)

        for name, value in self.parent.addheaders:

            name = name.capitalize()

            if not request.has_header(name):

                request.add_unredirected_header(name, value)

        return request

    def do_open(self, http_class, req):

        """Return an addinfourl object for the request, using http_class.

        http_class must implement the HTTPConnection API from httplib.

        The addinfourl return value is a file-like object.  It also

        has methods and attributes including:

            - info(): return a mimetools.Message object for the headers

            - geturl(): return the original request URL

            - code: HTTP status code


        host = req.get_host()

        if not host:

            raise URLError('no host given')

        h = http_class(host) # will parse host:port


        headers = dict(req.headers)


        # We want to make an HTTP/1.1 request, but the addinfourl

        # class isn't prepared to deal with a persistent connection.

        # It will try to read all remaining data from the socket,

        # which will block while the server waits for the next request.

        # So make sure the connection gets closed after the (only)

        # request.

        headers["Connection"] = "close"

        headers = dict(

            [(name.title(), val) for name, val in headers.items()])


            h.request(req.get_method(), req.get_selector(),, headers)

            r = h.getresponse()

        except socket.error, err: # XXX what error?

            raise URLError(err)

        # Pick apart the HTTPResponse object to get the addinfourl

        # object initialized properly.

        # Wrap the HTTPResponse object in socket's file object adapter

        # for Windows.  That adapter calls recv(), so delegate recv()

        # to read().  This weird wrapping allows the returned object to

        # have readline() and readlines() methods.

        # XXX It might be better to extract the read buffering code

        # out of socket._fileobject() and into a base class.

        r.recv =

        fp = socket._fileobject(r)

        resp = closeable_response(fp, r.msg, req.get_full_url(),

                                  r.status, r.reason)

        return resp

class HTTPHandler(AbstractHTTPHandler):

    def http_open(self, req):

        return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPConnection, req)

    http_request = AbstractHTTPHandler.do_request_

class ProxyHTTPConnection(httplib.HTTPConnection):

    _ports = {'http' : 80, 'https' : 443}

    def request(self, method, url, body=None, headers={}):

        #request is called before connect, so can interpret url and get

        #real host/port to be used to make CONNECT request to proxy

        proto, rest = urllib.splittype(url)

        if proto is None:

            raise ValueError, "unknown URL type: %s" % url

        #get host

        host, rest = urllib.splithost(rest)

        #try to get port

        host, port = urllib.splitport(host)

        #if port is not defined try to get from proto

        if port is None:


                port = self._ports[proto]

            except KeyError:

                raise ValueError, "unknown protocol for: %s" % url

        self._real_host = host

        self._real_port = port

        httplib.HTTPConnection.request(self, method, url, body, headers)


    def connect(self):


        #send proxy CONNECT request

        self.send("CONNECT %s:%d HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" % (self._real_host, int(self._real_port)))

        #expect a HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established

        response = self.response_class(self.sock, strict=self.strict, method=self._method)

        (version, code, message) = response._read_status()

        #probably here we can handle auth requests...

        if code != 200:

            #proxy returned and error, abort connection, and raise exception


            raise socket.error, "Proxy connection failed: %d %s" % (code, message.strip())

        #eat up header block from proxy....

        while True:

            #should not use directly fp probablu

            line = response.fp.readline()

            if line == '\r\n': break

class ProxyHTTPSConnection(ProxyHTTPConnection):


    default_port = 443

    def __init__(self, host, port = None, key_file = None, cert_file = None, strict = None):

        ProxyHTTPConnection.__init__(self, host, port)

        self.key_file = key_file

        self.cert_file = cert_file


    def connect(self):


        #make the sock ssl-aware

        ssl = socket.ssl(self.sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file)

        self.sock = httplib.FakeSocket(self.sock, ssl)

if hasattr(httplib, 'HTTPS'):

    class HTTPSConnectionFactory:

        def __init__(self, key_file, cert_file):

            self._key_file = key_file

            self._cert_file = cert_file

        def __call__(self, hostport):

            return httplib.HTTPSConnection(
                key_file=self._key_file, cert_file=self._cert_file)

    class ProxyHTTPSConnectionFactory:

        def __init__(self, key_file, cert_file):

            self._key_file = key_file

            self._cert_file = cert_file

        def __call__(self, hostport):

            return ProxyHTTPSConnection(


                key_file=self._key_file, cert_file=self._cert_file)

    class HTTPSHandler(AbstractHTTPHandler):

        def __init__(self, client_cert_manager=None):


            self.client_cert_manager = client_cert_manager

        def https_open(self, req):

            if self.client_cert_manager is not None:

                key_file, cert_file = self.client_cert_manager.find_key_cert(


                if self.parent._ua_handlers['_proxy'].proxies.has_key('https'):

                    conn_factory = ProxyHTTPSConnectionFactory(key_file, cert_file)


                    conn_factory = HTTPSConnectionFactory(key_file, cert_file)


                conn_factory = httplib.HTTPSConnection

            return self.do_open(conn_factory, req)

        https_request = AbstractHTTPHandler.do_request_